green frog drunk on bench
Addiction Drinking Problem Self Awareness

Am I An Alcoholic Or Not?

You’ve asked yourself, “Am I an alcoholic or not?” Worried? Of course, you want to know, or do you? You’re afraid to open yourself up to strangers, and even more worried about the answer you might get to the “Am I an alcoholic?” question.

One Boozy Beneficial Beverage …

The argument goes, “If you have just one alcoholic beverage per day, you are an alcoholic.” There’s more to it than that. One boozy beverage can be beneficial — but is that just ‘marketing in action,’ or according to the medical professionals? Probably a bit of both.

My hubby has one beer a night; two or three days a week — yep, you guessed it — after a long day’s work. He enjoys the beer — he sips and savors it. To him, it’s a tiny reward at the end of the day. He won’t need to ask himself “Am I an alcoholic” because I know he’s not.

When One Beer Is Not Enough …

But to alcoholics like me, one beer is not enough. You have to have one — right after the other. I’m so glad I sobered up over 20 years ago. To this very day, my hubby has not seen me drunk — and I LOVE THAT!

My mom recalls back in the 70s that “left-over” Christmas Party booze lasted her for three or four months … at just a couple of drinks a night. When the leftovers ran out, she was concerned that she might not be able to handle doing without. (She did. She doesn’t have the alcoholic gene).

Well, Am I An Alcoholic?

This post also tackles this age-old problem and asks 7 questions. If you or someone close to you needs help, please consider reading our eBook called “Life’s Better Sober.” It’s a 66-Day Program where you show up sober (i.e. read the eBook!) — daily.

Hold yourself accountable. Note down your feelings. Read Susan’s words of wisdom and create a new lasting habit of sobriety. If someone shared this post with you, please visit A New Sober You for more info. Please feel free to read our whole program in eBook form below:

Introducing our NEW Kindle VELLA Series!

You CAN Quit Drinking if you want to

Susan goes in depth with each of the 66 days explained in detail. The first three episodes are TOTALLY free! Check it out today.

Post Image by Permission of Camtasia Assets 2018 Susan Gast