Advertising and Affiliates Disclosure

Affiliate Products Disclosure: As a passionate non-drinker, I have firsthand experience with products that are useful for others interested in this topic. As part of my service to visitors of A New Sober You, I recommend relevant, high-quality products from companies I trust in terms of their pricing, efficiency, and customer service.

Some of these companies have affiliate programs that I participate in. When I recommend a product with an affiliate link and someone makes a purchase through that link, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to the buyer.

On every page of A New Sober You, you’ll find a link to the “Advertising and Affiliates Disclosure” page. This link is located in the footer of each page. The disclosure page provides detailed information about my affiliate relationships and the products I recommend and it’s what you’re reading right now.

The revenue from these affiliate sales helps keep the content on A New Sober You free, and allows me to continue sharing my knowledge and experience with you. I am currently affiliated with the following companies:

  • AdSense by Google
  • Amazon Affiliates

Special statement about Amazon products: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for this website to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Use of Ads: Running A New Sober You involves significant costs. Advertisements allow the site to cover these expenses and keep the information free for visitors. Please keep this in mind if you use an ad-blocker, as declining ad revenue could lead to the site shutting down. I strive to ensure the ads are not intrusive while still supporting the site’s operation.

Disclaimer: The content on A New Sober You is for informational purposes only. While I make every effort to provide accurate information about quitting drinking, it is not a substitute for professional advice. Please verify any claims or descriptions about products or services with the respective companies.

Regarding Exclusive Content by Grow: Some content falls inside the “Exclusive Content” shaded areas. Simply join Grow (it’s free!) to access the exclusive content. By doing so, you agree to receive a short weekly newsletter, and other occasional sobriety-related emails from A New Sober You.

Despite best efforts, inaccuracies or typographical errors may occur. A New Sober You assumes no responsibility for any loss due to inaccuracy or reliance on the published information.

Links to third-party websites are provided for convenience and do not imply endorsement or responsibility for their content, operators, or products.

By using, you indicate acceptance of this Advertising and Affiliates Disclosure. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through the site.

Thank you for your support! I hope you find the information on A New Sober You valuable and continue to enjoy my posts with me.

Last updated: February 12, 2025