Kids Partying
Drinking Problem Social Drinking Underage Drinking

Do YOU Enable Teenage Drinking?

Teenage drinking is preferable to doing hard drugs, but I do have to wonder where teens get the money from to sustain their habit(s)? Are you a parent that just doles out pocket money because you feel guilty because you can’t spend as much time as you’d like with your kid(s) (because you’re busy putting a roof over their head)? Then you’re enabling a bad boozing habit; one that will likely become a huge problem later on in life — if not addressed now.

14 Cars Burglarized

A month ago there was a ‘neighborhood watch’ alert in my inbox about 14 cars had been ‘burglarized.’ The local police say to make sure to lock your car doors at night. So, maybe that’s where the kids are getting the cash from? Stealing belongings inside unlocked car(s) and putting their loot on eBay, or trading it for drugs?

It’s another addiction — or compulsion — if you will. Drinking. Eating. Sex. Stealing … all habits in the name of making ourselves ‘feel better.’ It’s so sad as that leads me to believe there are millions of kids and adults out there living lives of despair that need the escape that drugs offer.

It’s easy for me, now, looking back. You know, it’s the ‘wise head on young shoulders’ syndrome. I was guilty of teenage drinking and I drank to fit in with the crowd.

Teenage Drinking – To be In With The In Crowd …

Peer pressure, where teenage drinking is concerned, is the worst. When you get (much) older, you don’t give a rat’s ass what someone thinks about you. But when you’re young? You want so badly to ‘fit in with the crowd.’ You want to be just like them; to be accepted. Or face ostracism.

Look, we’re not all square pegs to be pushed into round holes. If you’ve got the self-confidence to carry off ‘being different,’ then by golly — be different. Embrace it. Sadly, many teens are shy, like I was. But if teenage drinking leads to being and acting radically different than a rational normal sober teen, then watch out. They need help.

Hard Drug Abusers Need Professional Help

Even though A New Sober You is aimed at older (female) adults, I think having a kid go through our “Life’s Better Sober” eBook might work as well on kids. If your kid is hooked on hard drugs, please get help at a professional clinic. That’s way above my pay grade.

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