So, You Think You Have A Drinking Problem?!
It’s been niggling at you. You suspect you have a drinking problem. Others have nudged you. Cajoled. Begged you to stop or get help. You’ve brushed it off, laughed it away, told yourself that it’s not that bad. But deep down, in those quiet moments when no one is around, you know. It’s not just a nagging thought anymore—it’s a reality staring you in the face.
Truly Cringe-Worthy
If you’ve spent any length of time being a ‘professional drinker,’ then you know what I’m talking about. You tell yourself you’re in control. You convince yourself that you can handle it. Until the day you wake up and reality smacks you in the face.
Maybe it happens when your best friend calls, absolutely delighted by your antics the night before. She recounts every detail, each moment more humiliating than the last. You sit there, stunned, stomach twisting with disgust. You thought you were just having fun, but now you’re seeing it through someone else’s eyes.
Did I really do a double-dare? On the table? For how long?
As your friend prattles on, laughing at your “performance,” you sink further into yourself, wishing she’d just stop talking. But she’s not the problem. The alcohol is. And suddenly, you know. This isn’t just another bad night. This isn’t something you can shrug off anymore.
It’s time. It’s time to quit.
Recognizing the Signs of a Drinking Problem

But what if you’re still not sure? What if you’re wondering whether your drinking is really a problem? The truth is, if you’re questioning it, there’s a good chance it is. Problem drinking doesn’t always look like the movies. You don’t have to be passed out in alleyways or losing everything to know alcohol is wrecking your life.
Here are some of the ways it sneaks up on you:
- You tell yourself you’ll have just one or two, but you never stop there.
- You drink alone or in secret, hiding bottles, making excuses.
- You’ve blacked out more times than you care to admit.
- You need alcohol to relax, to sleep, to feel normal.
- You’ve let responsibilities slip—work, relationships, your health—because of drinking.
- People have expressed concern, and you’ve brushed them off or gotten defensive.
- You’ve tried to cut back before and failed.
If any of this sounds familiar, then yes—you probably have a drinking problem. And it’s okay to admit it. That’s the first step to getting better.
Where to Turn to With Your Drinking Problem?
Once you realize it’s time to do something, the next question is: where do you turn?
You know that AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) has a great reputation, but maybe the idea of sitting in a circle of strangers, pouring your heart out, makes you cringe. Maybe trudging to meetings in the rain feels overwhelming.
Let me be clear—AA is a lifeline for many, and if it feels right for you, go for it. But for me, it wasn’t the answer. I walked into a meeting and right back out. Turns out, I’m not that sociable. I needed something different.
And maybe you do too.
Luckily, today, there are more options than ever. You don’t have to fit into one mold to get sober. Online communities, therapy, mindfulness-based recovery, medication-assisted treatment—there are so many paths to getting better.
Here are a few places to start:
- SMART Recovery – A science-based approach to addiction recovery.
- The Tempest Sobriety Community – A modern take on getting sober, with coaching and support.
- Loosid – Free Sober App for Sobriety Tracking & Community.
- Therapy – Working with a professional who understands addiction can be life-changing.
Whatever route you choose, the key is to reach out. Don’t do this alone.
So I Got Busy …
After I got sober, I realized something. I had spent years trapped in the cycle of drinking, but once I was free, I saw how many others were still stuck. Back then, online recovery resources weren’t as easy to find. And that got me thinking.
I’ve been sober for over 25 years now. That’s a long time. But how does that help you? It helps because I know what it’s like. I know how hard those first days, weeks, and months are. and I know the fear of facing life without alcohol. I know the doubts, the cravings, the moments when you want to give up.
That’s why I created A New Sober You.
This site exists because I don’t want you to feel as lost as I once did. I want you to have a place to turn to when you’re ready to change your life. I want you to know that no matter how deep you’ve sunk, there’s a way out.
If someone shared this post with you, take it as a sign. Go to A New Sober You. Read more. Find hope.
Let’s get you on the road to recovery. Let’s get your drinking problem fixed. It’s never too late to get sober. And trust me—you won’t regret it.

SMART Recovery. “SMART Recovery: Home.” 2025.
Tempest. “Tempest Launches Digital Membership Program for Modern Recovery.” 2020.
Loosid. “Loosid: Free Sober App for Sobriety Tracking & Community.” 2025.