Beat That Urge To Death
We all get ’em. Those annoying urges. Sometimes you can quash ’em, sometimes you don’t and you give in.
In a previous blog post, we followed up with Claire’s newly-created ritual and expanded upon creating a new ritual to replace the old in an effort to beat the urge to drink.
At the end of the post, I touched upon the “u” word — “urge”.
So Many Urges!
Urges can be so damned annoying; be it a pee urge, poo urge, sex urge, eat something urge, buy something urge … we’re urging all the time! So when the urge to drink pops up — and it will at the start (it’d be remiss of me to say it disappears the first day!) — that urge needs to be countered. And stomped to death.
I Don’t WANT A Damn Drink!
While dieting and the off-limits food urge hits, we simply say, “No, it’s day 3 and I’m stickin’ to my plan.” Bathroom urges are easily taken care of! Not going there with the sex urge … but when the “I wanna drink” urge raises its ugly head, you MUST immediately say this: “I don’t want a damn drink. It makes me ill. I do stupid stuff. It makes me hungover and hungry the day after.”
By the time you’ve gone through your mental spiel (aka using your somatic markers), the urge will pass.
What I’m trying to say here is this:
Create Strong Enough Reasons TO QUIT!
You must have a good enough, strong enough reason to want to quit.
In Claire’s case, she was feeling lonely and like a loser. And she lost her husband. She realized that her boozy habit was a bad habit. She’d reached rock bottom. That was enough for her to make the change. But you have to BE the change you want to make. Think like a sober person, and act like a sober person, until it becomes second nature. And it will. Trust me.
Until the next post, be good to yourself. Believe in yourself. I believe in you. And speaking of belief … I’ll go over that in the next post. See you there.
If someone shared this post with you and you’re ready to bite the bullet, kick the habit – and be free from the booze urge – simply head on over and visit A New Sober You.
NOTE: No kangaroos were hurt in the making of this post.
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