You CAN Quit Drinking if you want to
66-Day Program Drinking Problem Quit Drinking Advice

Knowing When It’s Time To Get Help

There comes a point in time when you know you have to get help.

And when you discover the help you think you need costs and arm and a leg? Well, then it’s easy to talk yourself out of getting help. Right? You think can put your drinking problem on the back burner, but you’re only prolonging the inevitable. Which is?

You Need Help

Quitting Drinking is ONLY as hard as you make it. It’s so easy to put obstacles in our OWN way. It’s amazing how many excuses we can find to ‘not’ do something. Even if that something is so very beneficial. Even if our own life is at stake. Believe me, drinking yourself to death is NOT the way to go.

A Different Kind of Help

When Amazon came out with “Vella” I thought, “What’s that?” I discovered it’s a new way for readers to discover content. (Yeah, leave it to Amazon to do that, right?) It’s one thing to go to AA meetings and an altogether different thing to read a book. Is there a way to combine the two? A more social aspect but without having to admit to anything in front of total strangers? Why yes, there is (otherwise I wouldn’t be sat here writing this).

You Can Quit Drinking… if you want to

You CAN Quit Drinking if you want to

That’s the title of our new Kindle Vella release on, yes, Kindle Vella. It’s been designed so that you digest one episode at a time (the first three are free!) and then you use ‘tokens’ to unlock more episodes.

It’s a great way to STOP the overwhelm. You know what it’s like when you buy a book; you sit there and read the whole thing until your eyes glaze over. Then you try to recall what you’ve learned. It all goes in one ear and out the other.

With that in mind, I set out to provide digestible daily chunks. 66 DAYS of chunks. Why 66 days? Because that’s the modern-day average amount of time it takes for a new habit to replace an old (bad) habit.

Treat Yourself To a New Habit

Why not treat yourself to a new habit? A New Sober You? Isn’t it time you quit the drinking madness? Drinking is not the be all and end all you once thought it was, right? You’re growing up, gaining responsibility. Time to act your age and sober up. Trust me, life’s better sober.

Check out our new Vella Series: You Can Quit Drinking… if you want to HERE. And start your journey to sobriety – you can thank me later.